The preferred payment method by
Aussies for everyday e-commerce.

Credit cards give Australians the flexibility and purchasing power they need to complete online purchases with ease. With PayDollar, you can reach over 16 million credit card users from all major card brands – Visa, Mastercard, JCB and American Express. Diners and Discover will soon join our payment options.

Automate online payment collection with ease
Boost Online Sales
Drive Local Sales

Tap thousands of Aussies who use credit cards every day for practically everything – online shopping, traveling, and paying bills.

Build a Positive Image
Raise Store Credibility

Showcase your business as a well-established brand by offering credit cards as a payment option on your checkout page.

Capture a Wider Market
Expand Global Reach

AIlow international buyers, impulse shoppers and non-cash users to easily make online payments thru credit cards.

Card Brands Accepted